Robotic sanding is an investment to quality and productivity
In our production we have taken a new step using robot technologies. New robot sanding cell is now in production.
Automatic sanding cell takes care of the seat top final sanding. First production runs have already taken place.
With high volume products, it is possible to tailor a specific robotic sanding cell. Total benefit of the investment will come clear with time, but we can already see how the output has increased. Eventually we can run our own tests to see which other products can be sanded with a robot.
Investing in robotics means that we can move people from boring work to more demanding work. Work safety is extremely important, and robots are a way to improve overall conditions.
Customer demand can now be satisfied with better quality and delivery accuracy. This investment will improve our capacity and productivity.
The idea of robot sanding came alive already in 2019 when Mirka Airos sanding machine was published. The first tests took place at Mirka in their product development lab.
During past years robot technology has taken a giant leap. Technical solutions are available and ready, question is how and where to use them. Threshold for us was not high since robotics has been a part of our DNA for very long time.
Past eight months we have studied and tested robot sanding with Mirka and other suppliers to make sure our idea will work.
Basically, our sanding cell has been designed at house. Robots were supplied by ABB Robotics and sanding machine by Mirka. Safety cabinet was made by a company next to us. Assembly and implementation were done by ourselves following all the safety standards.

Robots have been part of our furniture manufacturing since 80s.
First robot for painting was installed as early as 1982. At the time it was revolutionary. In fact, that painting robot was the very first to start working in furniture manufacturing in Finland. Later other companies adopted painting robots also.
The man behind the idea was our founder Pertti Mäenpää. He was also in charge of the implementation. After robot was used, it changed the production significantly. Chairs were lacquered with bottom layer and top layer by robot. Capacity was increased which also meant better competitiveness. Conveyer was built to move the chairs so robot could spray lacquer on them.” I remember being 13 years old and helping my father build the conveyer system.” Says present CEO Pasi Mäenpää.
Presently we have two painting robots in use among the sanding cell robots.
When looking at the furniture industry, robots have been used for years. Although not in that extent they could be used. We are convinced that robotics will take bigger role in small furniture factories within next five years. Robots are going to do all those boring work phases and release labor to more demanding phases. Lack of skilled work force is not going to disappear in the future. Robotics is the answer.
Furniture market slowed down significantly this fall. Eventually it will pick up. Small signs of increasing demand are showing.
We would have invested this sanding cell in every case, but slow market gave us an opportunity to focus on developing and building this sanding unit. Therefore, the startup was successful.
Result is that we are ready for the upcoming demand from the market.